As ONE Humanity, we will recover – TOGETHER – from the Covid-19 and other ensuing pandemics. The way we WORK, PLAY and LIVE is already disruptively changed. A new brave world – with new business models and rules – will emerge. This necessitates Leaders 4.0 Infinite Mindset, a heart-centric rebalanced approach – a Humanity 0.0 way forward.
Afterall, we are the waves from the same sea, the leaves of the same tree, and the flowers from the same garden!
It's not about Leadership,
It's about making Leadership happen.
#Humanity 0.0, #HumanityFirst, #WeAreOne, #Leaders4.0, #Humility, #Willpower, #BeOneWithNature, #Reset, #Reboot, #RePurpose, #ReCommit, #RightTrumpsCorrect

One Humanity, Achieving the
LEADERS 5.0 have HISTORY thrust upon them to SERVE SELFLESSLY and AUTHENTICALLY willing everyone out of the current pandemic DOUBLE CONUNDRUM. Caught between balancing absolute lockdown SAFETY and optimal economic SURVIVAL, it is akin to acknowledging fear but not succumbing to it. We must be the REAL DEAL, the LIGHT and enjoy the MOMENT with the COURAGE OF THE HEART, afterall, whenever we walk in into the WOODS, we always come out TALLER THAN THE TREES.
One Humanity, The
LEADERS 5.0 are rapidly driving their digital operation EXCELLENCE and RESILIENCE, achieving this state of which at its cumulus be experienced as ANYWHERE-EVERYWHERE READINESS. Central to this REMOTE DIGITAL-FIRST culture is the TOTALITY of HUMAN EXPERIENCE enabled by COLLECTIVE FUTURE, ADAPTIVE and AUTHENTIC leaderships. Be the LIGHT, EMPATHETIC, connect and understand. Focus on WELLNESS and emphasize on WELL-BEING. Be KIND and exercise great RESTRAINT, afterall, if we are not MASTERS of our mouths, we will be SLAVES of our words!
One Humanity, The COURAGE of
LEADERS 5.0 exercise the power of the MIND and the courage of the HEART to be EACH OTHER’S KEEPERS in overcoming the most significant challenge to human existence in recent memory. As we are all in this TOGETHER, history will judge us on our ability to RISE to the occasion as ONE to rekindle the flame of HUMANITY. At all costs, we must ascend with unflinching HOPE and extreme DETERMINATION. As one, we are ENOUGH. There is no Beginning nor Ending only BECOMING, afterall, those which cannot be put into WORDS can only be grasped through SILENCE and RESILIENCE.
One Humanity, the CONSCIOUSNESS
of a Purposeful Society
LEADERS 5.0 are PURPOSE-CENTRIC in creating PATHWAYS to a super-smart society that is RESILIENT, SUSTAINABLE and DIVERSE. Such new societal CONSCIOUSNESS must be fuelled by hyper REALITY and AUTHENTICITY. We can seek advice to find our WAY but we can only find our DESTINATION through our own HARD WORK. Although HOPE and FAITH are both invisible, they have the power to make the impossible POSSIBLE. Afterall, for those who magnify HUMAN DIGNITY, by humans shall their dignity be magnified.
One Humanity: Propelling HOPE,
Celebrating LIFE
LEADERS 5.0 are dealers in HOPE in the current global pandemic which is so full of ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES for the haves yet so perilously close to overwhelming despair for the have-nots. KEEP MOVING. Stay Hopeful. Never Give Up. To the ignorant and uninitiated, looking inwardly is good but reaching out and serving is BETTER, afterall, PERSEVERING is the foolishness of the weak and the WISDOM of the wise. As nations lurch from one crisis to the next, we should pause, reflect and have a simple CELEBRATION OF LIFE. As ONE. One HUMAN TRIBE. One HUMANITY.
One Humanity, Striving for
LEADERS 5.0 are accelerating recovery through hyperautomation in the quest for REMOTE DIGITAL-FIRST operational excellence and RESILIENCE. We need to drive CHANGE in a resolute manner and make a statement of change with COMMITMENT to continuous struggle to the IDEAL world. There is a limit to our PAIN but there is no limit to our FEAR. REGRET is the most painful thing in life, so STAND OUR GROUND and fight for what is RIGHT. SERVE as there is always more misery among the have-nots than there is HUMANITY in the haves. JUSTICE is right only when it is IMPECCABLE, afterall, even the darkest night will end with the sun RISING.
One Humanity, The Relationship
BRIDGE of Life
LEADERS 5.0 possess the CONTENT OF CHARACTER to lead and serve in this historic INFLECTION POINT. With vaccination being offered as the silver bullet for a safer and greater ECONOMIC REBOOT, we are once again reminded to get a better umbrella in the face of heavy rains. We must keep FAITH and FOCUS on the endless POSSIBILITIES in the path FORWARD as our past 18-month does not define our FUTURE. It is not how we react in the beginning but how powerfully we RESPOND till the very end that matters. Afterall, when stones are thrown in our path, it is our CHOICE either to build a wall or a BRIDGE. Be the ARCHITECT of our life, choose HAPPINESS and HUMANITY, GIVE and FORGIVE!
One Humanity, The Arc of the
MORAL Universe
LEADERS 5.0 know that HISTORY always stands on the side of progressive CHANGE. The pandemic-induced social change, if it teaches us anything, it is the need to SERVE and PERSEVERE to be part of the mosaic of all who work for HUMANITY where TOGETHER we can ACCOMPLISH multitudes. Although the ARC OF THE MORAL UNIVERSE is long, it bends toward those who believe in VALUE, COMPASSION & MIGHT with MERCY. Afterall, if we refuse to drink from the fountain of SELFLESSNESS, we will all perish of thirst in the desert of SELFISHNESS!
One Humanity, The Corpus d'oeuvre
LEADERS 5.0 infuse ENTHUSIASM - WITHIN and without – and spread HOPE. With a purposeful MINDSET, we have the power to IMAGINE better in charting the path to PROGRESS. Influencing a change of HABIT at this critical juncture so as to create a journey of a PURPOSEFUL LIFE, we INSPIRE limitless OPPORTUNITIES and give HOPE to those who DARE to DREAM. Knowing that we have achieved so much yet realizing that we have so much more to do, our endless corpus d'oeuvre is all about applying the raw and powerful INTELLECT to address the present enigma of the global pandemic. RIGHT or wrong, SUCCESS or failure, we live up to the highest VALUE and IDEAL; afterall, out of many, WE ARE ONE connected HUMAN TRIBE.
One Humanity, The PRIVILEGE of
LEADERS 5.0 serve HUMBLY as they understand PRIVILEGES are TEMPORARY while LEGACIES are FOREVER. The ongoing global pandemic is a shot across the bow of HUMANITY, a WAKE-UP CALL for all who think in narrow spaces. If a farmer’s blade harvests rice and a thief’s blade kills people, then a leader’s blade must therefore raise the HOPE of the people. Be AUTHENTIC and SERVE to help genuinely, although MEMORIES cannot defeat TIME, it is the HEART that truly REMEMBERS.
One Humanity, The Unbearable
LEADERS 5.0 must be the authors and catalysts of the SOCIETAL RECOVERY action plan using innovative technology to REACH and SERVE the have-nots. In an increasingly BEHAVIOURAL economy, the current pandemic’s CLOSE shall be fashioned by our START. An INSPIRING random act of KINDNESS - exemplified by Ana Patricia NON (Patreng)’s hugely significant resultant MOVEMENT at a time of tragedy - that promotes the value of SHARING regardless of social standing and COMPASSION that knows no color. Give per your MEANS and take per your NEED, afterall, living for such MOMENTS put the unbearable LIGHTNESS OF BEING into sharp focus.
One Humanity, From the Best
to the REST
LEADERS 5.0 leverage on HOPE as a primer INSPIRATIONAL pheromone to make GREAT THINGS HAPPEN in the current depressing pandemic. Most SERVE selflessly, their deeds would have been HEROIC had the ground reality not been so tragic for the HAVE-NOTS. LEADERSHIP is about bringing LIGHT in this ever-growing shadow of despair, merging MERCY with MIGHT, from the BEST to benefitting the REST. Danger is real, FEAR is a CHOICE. For there is always light, if only we are BRAVE enough to BE IT.
One Humanity, The Paved Road to
LEADERS 5.0 TRAILBLAZE, THINK WITHOUT the BOX and PAVE the road to INCLUSIVE GROWTH. Exposing the novelty that leaders create MORE LEADERS, we lead by SERVING and INSPIRING. Being the LIGHT, illuminating with INSIGHTS and DEEDS, such act of KINDNESS decidedly merits its LEGACY in the rethinking and reimagining of the DIGITAL SOCIETIES. Generating the proverbial DOTS for others to CONNECT is certainly living the LEADERSHIP MOMENT upon which HISTORY will critically JUDGE us, afterall, following our DREAMS and doing what makes us HAPPY must be the one and only way to LIVE our life.
One Humanity, The FLOW & FORCE of Life
LEADERS 5.0 rely on RESILIENCE and SUSTAINABLE SUSTENANCE to chart the PATH OF HOPE. From unsung heroes like JAGDISH MISTRY of Madhya Pradesh who selflessly serves despite dramatic impact to his livelihood, countless others whom we have never met and will never know, have also stepped up cementing the belief that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER. Be astonished that this world is not given by our fathers, but borrowed from our children, we must choose POSITIVITY and HAPPY THOUGHTS. Already in our HEART and HEAD, our WAY OF THINKING must flow freely through our VOICE, afterall, the difference between surviving and THRIVING is baseline and BEST LIFE.
One Humanity, Cultivating POINT
LEADERS 5.0 live the SPIRIT OF LIFE, relaxing doing great WORK, sleeping with a DREAM, awaking with COMMITMENT and MAKING THINGS HAPPEN. In handling the multi-faceted global pandemic CHALLENGES - where we truly cannot control the EXTERNAL environment but can control how we CONSCIOUSLY DECIDE – LEADERS 5.0 cultivate our POINT ZERO Warrior Spirit to generate a THOUGHTFUL, NONEGOCENTRIC response. The Remote Working has increased DIGITAL INEQUALITY widening the gap of already 45% of have-nots, creating billions of DIGITAL UNDERCLASS and DISCONNECTED SOCIETIES. To GROW and ENHANCE LIFE EXPERIENCE will not necessarily make us HAPPY. Beyond exuding a more HUMANE GRAVITAS and CHARM with the aura of a strong leadership, we SELFLESSLY HELP others and MENTALLY CHOOSE to be happy, afterall, there must be a path to INCLUSION and certain EQUALIZATION between the haves and have-nots.
One Humanity, UNITY in DIVERSITY
LEADERS 5.0 create more LEADERS, not followers, to UNITE & HEAL. We shall IMAGINE THE PAST and REMEMBER THE FUTURE to ensure TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER. The answer, as with so much else, is HUMANITY has more in COMMON than the differences that separate us. WIN or LEARN as we learn that our HEALTH cannot be injected but must be EARNED. The RISING SUN – although equally stunning as the setting sun - is REVERED and ADORED more, and the HUMILITY to know that will enable us to SURVIVE our life’s vicissitudes. Remember to LIVE the MOMENT, all fused bulbs are treated the SAME regardless of its wattage or type, afterall, as in a chess game, the king and the pawn are eventually placed back in the SAME BOX.
One Humanity, Our STRENGTH & STAY
LEADERS 5.0 are the STRENGTH & STAY of the Digital Society. In the face of the current uncertainties, we STAND UP to be counted and SERVE with COURAGE, CONFIDENCE and CONVICTION underpinned by our PHRONESIS. Like the stars in the darkness of the night, we show up and bring HOPE and OPTIMISM to all. We always hope for the BEST and prepare for the WORST, KEEPING FEARS to ourselves but SHARING COURAGE with others. FOCUSING on what stands before us, and paying RESPECT to the greats paves the way for our own greatness as we owe these pathfinders a DEBT greater than they would ever claim, afterall, HUMILITY seeks SILENCE in demonstrating VIRTUE & VALUE.
One Humanity, The Radical
HUMAN Leadership
LEADERS 5.0 must be, like the Sardinian centenarians, master IN-PERSON communicators that serve and build close PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS. With the new waves of lockdown increasing record DIGITAL INTERACTIONS, personal ones become rare commodities. Hence, it is down to HOPE and TRUST that we hold all relationships, avoiding the 10th Apple Effect and preserving the essence of MEANINGFUL LIFE. It is always the COURAGE OF THE HEART that matters, afterall, the MIND may forget but the HEART ALWAYS REMEMBERS.
One Humanity, The Radical
HUMAN Leadership
LEADERS 5.0 has abundance RELATIONAL INTELLIGENCE inspiring HUMAN ENERGY with POWER, PURPOSE and PASSION to produce radical RESULTS. Addressing the current gaps of INCREMENTAL progress against the backdrop EXPONENTIAL pace, the LEADERS OF THE FUTURE must address the myth that the most successful of us represent the TOTALITY of us. The failure to do so will be singularly and alone our HISTORICAL MISTAKE. OPTIMISTIC CHANGE must both bubble up and cascade down to produce a STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP MINDSET that supports FUTURE THINKING with FUTURE VALUE shift. The MOMENT in history that charts the course of our future is NOW, afterall, we need to reaffirm to the generations to come that HUMANITY STILL MATTERS.
One Humanity: The Start, The Middle
& The End
LEADERS 5.0 are HUMANITY personified. As the global pandemic came to disrupt the transitional points in our lives, our COLLECTIVE approach must be to begin with HOPES and end with DREAMS since EXPECTATION setting invariably results in EXPERIENCE gaining. The human-centric focus supports and empowers, increasing industries’ RESILIENCE and SUSTAINABILITY leveraging on the GREEN Deal. Bringing such SOCIETAL TRANSFORMATIVE impact to bear, the transition to Industry 5.0 will require STRONG LEADERSHIP and ACTION in ALL areas especially UPSKILLING for our new roles. FROM ONE TO ALL, BELIEVING in OURSELVES and DOING what we CAN to overcome OBSTACLES results in things FALLING TOGETHER. The WHOLE always has BEGINNING, MIDDLE and END, afterall, if the WIND will not SERVE, we shall take the OARS.
One Humanity: Hope, Faith & UNITY
LEADERS 5.0 surround themselves with FACTS and REALITIES, not giving in to airs and flatteries. The worst experiences in the past year are that in which lie our best HOPE for the FUTURE. If we ACT on our BELIEF, both in what we say and what we do, then not only will our UNIVERSAL reputation and influence GROW but that too of the FORTUNE of the new GENERATION C. A year into the worldwide disaster which has UPENDED OUR SOCIETY, the CONVERSATION and NARRATIVE has changed. The possibility that all of this could be MOMENTARY has long been banished, leaving us grappling with HOW this pandemic will shape an ENTIRE GENERATION as WHAT we do NOW will be the DEFINING MOMENTS in handling the SEISMIC CHANGES with RIPPLING EFFECTS far into the future. Afterall, the performance of our distractors is measured by the noises they made, LEADERS 5.0 PERFORMANCE is measured by the ACTIONS WE TAKE. As the new world is continuous being sieged by the waves of new variants, we do not cry over the challenges we face, we cry to OVERCOME these challenges; we do not smile to hide the sufferings, we smile to HEAL these sufferings.
One Humanity, The Burden
LEADERS 5.0 bear the BURDEN OF COMMAND as the hand that holds the pen determines how the next chapter is going to be written in our ongoing STRUGGLE with the ON-OFF-ON-AGAIN pandemic transmissions and lockdowns. Many have billed 2021 as SURVIVAL times where there is too much RECOVERY to do with so much that may yet go AWRY. PERSEVERE, look FORWARD and BELIEVE as we struggle to be STRONG. SERVE and help others as alone we enjoy and smile but TOGETHER we celebrate and laugh. BEAM and BREATHE because in the end it is really about VALUE and VALOUR for doing the RIGHT things, afterall, we are NOTHING without each other!
One Humanity, GROWING
LEADERS 5.0 must have PURPOSE, GOALS & VISIONS investing their energy in creativity and POSITIVITY . Just like the sturdy oak trees, we are GROWING within the Spirit of LIVING, at all times acquiring wisdom, knowledge and a meaningful subsistence. We are ONE and ENOUGH, collaborating towards a compelling future where we ACT today - not tomorrow - focusing on making UPLIFTING MOMENTS. Believing that when a door is closed another will open with better prospects. Happiness cannot be achieved through wealth/means accumulation, valuables/items collection or mega opportunity wins. What brings deeply resonating HAPPINESS is what we would be REMEMBERED FOR and will others genuinely desire to MEET US AGAIN. Purpose brings us into the MOMENT, afterall, our existence cannot be just REAL BEING but more importantly, BEING REAL!
One Humanity, The NEXT LEVEL
While human systems need formal authority to function, wildly successful LEADERS 5.0 must have MORAL AUTHORITY that can only be earned by WHO WE ARE and HOW WE LEAD. Leaders 5.0 show up in crises passing the stern test of MORAL FIBRE. To REIMAGINE, RETHINK, REFOCUS, REBUILD & RISE, the emerging new interconnected and interdependent world must constitute honesty, trust, inspiration, meaning and a better future. Scale shareholder value with SHARED VALUES, link margin to MISSION, pursue profit with PRINCIPLE and we shall have successes that have SIGNIFICANCE providing answers, guidance, action and hope for all. As we cannot create shared value without shared values, the focus is not on doing the next THING RIGHT, but rather doing the next RIGHT THING. Leaders 5.0 innovatively pursue SUSTAINABLE development, wisely decide on the RIGHT ACTIONS, courageously SACRIFICE and truly prioritize PEOPLE over profits. Let’s be INCLUSIVE seeing the HUMANITY in EVERYONE, afterall, we see PEOPLE not as means, but as ENDS in themselves.
One Humanity, The Leadership 5.0
PATH Forward
While the pessimists and the optimists are entitled to their differing views, the global pandemic forces LEADERS 5.0 to set the PATH FORWARD. A GLOBAL CONCERTED EFFORT is required for HUMANITY to survive this BLACK SWAN as self-serving agendas do not determine who is RIGHT, only who is LEFT. Merging MIGHT with RIGHT, on the other hand, is how we begin the REBUILDING, REVIVING, REBALANCING, RECOVERING & REASSURING journey to COLLECTIVE HUMANITY. Harvest the MOMENTS and leave FOOTPRINTS as we TRUST the DOTS CONNECTING our COLLECTIVE FUTURE, afterall, this great SETBACK doesn't make us an ABJECT FAILURE any more than feeling SUPERIOR makes us GREAT.
One Humanity, The Journey From Within
In the depth of winter, we finally learnt that within is there lay an INVINCIBLE SUMMER. We stamp our HUMANITY LEGACY through the journey from WITHIN as while UNCERTAINTIES like the current global pandemic can periodically derail us, they can NEVER PERMANENTLY DEFEAT us. Remember, leaders SILENTLY lead as while we have our eyes on the FUTURE, HISTORY has its eyes on us. With INNER COURAGE, CONCIOUSNESS & CONTENTMENT, we must strive to leave behind for the younger generations something better than the one we were left with. REIMAGINE, RETHINK, REFOCUS, REBUILD & RISE, afterall, overcoming such challenges with STRONG BELIEF & CONVICTION is what makes life MEANINGFUL.
One Humanity, The Burden of Privilege
The burden of privilege is heavy, expounding the norms of just-is is not always JUSTICE. Way before this global pandemic, our society has been fractured and calcified into haves and have-nots sometimes by an economic system of privileges that is hard to justify as it never has been before. Our societal and economic leadership blunders have now become the multigenerational burdens. Serve and be the BEACON of LIGHT in the underprivileged’s darkness as we exercise the HUMANITY BEHAVIORS and VALUES so that even as we grieved, we GREW; even as we hurt, we HOPED and even as we tired, we TRIED. Although we alone cannot do all the good needed by the society, the society needs all the good we can do. So, let’s perpetuate and intensify UPLIFTING others to create a superior societal OUTCOME. Let’s author a new book, instead of turning the chapters, afterall, we can never lose in the SERVICE of others.
Honesty: The High Road to Humanity Wisdom
As there is NEVER a wrong time to do the RIGHT thing, it is also NEVER WRONG to be HONEST. Overcoming the current pandemic challenges does not need perfect solutions but rather ones forged with greater good APTITUDE, ATTITUDE & PURPOSES ensuring harm to none and HARMONY for ALL. We shall with INTEGRITY merge MIGHT with RIGHT passionately to author a new HOPE, DETERMINATION & GREATNESS chapter, afterall, HONESTY is the high road to HUMANITY WISDOM & LEGACY.
One Humanity, The Mountain We Climb
As we pursue and pray for RECOVERY, we CLIMB these MOUNTAINS of challenges by not CARRYING them. For there is always LIGHT. We must develop a WORLD PERSPECTIVE in RESPONDING – not reacting – to the never ending shades of pandemic CHALLENGES. Build BRIDGES as we must FOCUS on what stands BEFORE us, not what stands BETWEEN us. If only we are brave enough to SEE it, afterall, we are NO LESS to BE IT.
One Humanity, Embracing the
The zeitgeist of this global pandemic period with multiple evolving variants is the increasing HUMAN-CENTRIC digital transformation that is furthered through the CO-CREATION of consumer-led expectations and experiences. The past year, rocked by a maelstrom of multifaceted CHALLENGES, represented the moment of greatest SORROW and ANXIETY in mankind’s recent memory. As much as life is like a fleeting cloud drifting as a tiny speck within the vastness of the sky, no longer can it be asked what needs to be DONE. The weight of HUMANITY CONSCIENCE far outweighs any other socio, economic or political considerations. SERVE and be CONTENTED, the time is always RIGHT to do the right thing. Live life SIMPLY and LIGHTHEARTEDLY, afterall, we came with nothing - no more and no less - and we shall leave with nothing.
One Humanity,
The global pandemic is a GLITCH in our journey of a FULFILLING life. It presents the opportunities to CHANGE, GROW and TRANSFORM to the NEXT LEVEL of comfort. It represents the inescapable mutuality of a successful CHALLENGE-CONTENTMENT ever-connected cycle. Every opportunity, successful seized or otherwise, provides considerable KNOCK-ON EFFECT to the haves and have-nots. The measure of life must be how much we have CONTRIBUTED and the power of INTENTION coupled with the COURAGE in our HEART for its MINDFUL ACTION. We pursue the life’s journey with a non-fading SMILE, non-withering CONFIDENCE and always on-the-go non-defeatist PERSONALITY. We are SUCCESSFUL when we manage our life’s challenges with a SMILE, afterall, what we know is a DROP, what we don't is an OCEAN!
2021: Rekindling the Stirring
Humanity LIGHT
As we welcome the new year 2021, it is time to rekindle the stirring Humanity LIGHT. The long global pandemic shadow cast by the thickest of darkness will disappear with the faintest of selfless humanity light. Be GRATEFUL, PERSEVERE & Live SIMPLY, make the MOMENT counts, take RISK, BELIEVE & SUCCEED, RESPECT the Law of NATURE, LABOUR in FREEDOM, and be the STIRRING LIGHT! While others SEARCH for PERFECTION, let’s STRIVE for PROGRESS with GOOD THOUGHTS and the COURAGE of the HEART. Afterall, FAITH and DESTINY will not let us be tempted beyond what we can BEAR.
One Humanity: Be WATER,
The global pandemic has forced upon us serious SELF-AWARENESS to RETHINK and REBALANCE RESILIENCE over perfection. We must exercise HIGHER PURPOSE in life - like the broken branch which is still giving shade to others - regardless how much one is beaten down, we still can DO SOMETHING for others. Be WATER. Be RIVER. Be OCEAN . Be a fountain of KINDNESS and COMPASSION as we LEARN without assuming, and UNDERSTAND before judging. Be a Collaborator par excellence! Be Water! By giving, you will create a vacuum for glad tidings to flow back into your life. Keep SHARING and TRANSFORMING, as what goes around, COMES AROUND! Be River! Just like life, the ocean is wild and unpredictable, it TESTS us and TEACHES us that things happen for a REASON. But like so much with life, such pain brings growth in CHARACTER and STATURE. Be Ocean!
One Humanity,
Keeping the UNITY Flame Burning
Facing these global pandemic challenges heads-on, SELFLESS people are reaching out to preserve CONNECTEDNESS where relationship remains intact and united - facilitating HEALING as SURVIVAL remains the primary concern as doing otherwise is simply unconscionable. The ongoing pandemic tragedies must EMPOWER us to have the most MEANINGFUL and FULFILLING thing by making a difference to others. Helping someone else through difficulty is where CIVILIZATION starts; we are at our best when we SERVE others. As many are these days, seek to INFLUENCE WITHOUT AFFLUENCE, apply our inherent power of COMPASSION to enrich lives beyond comprehension. Keep the flame of humanity alive by discerning between the ESSENTIAL and the superficial, afterall, being the instrument of compassion and grace, we fuel the inner flame of WISDOM and COURAGE.
One Humanity, Reimagining with Fountain of GRATITUDE
That every ADVERSITY , every FAILURE and every HEARTACHE carries with it the seed of an equal or greater BENEFIT summarizes the attitude we should adopt in facing the current pandemic. Each MOMENT is all we need, NOT MORE , we are ONE and ENOUGH . Life is never measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the MOMENTS THAT TAKE OUR BREATH AWAY . As is a tale, so is life; not how long it is, but HOW GOOD IT IS , is what matters. We lean on SELFLESS PEOPLE, CHOOSE TO RISE & BE IN THE ARENA and GRIND to overcome challenges MEANINGFULLY and creating our LUCK ABUNDANTLY , afterall, drips of KINDNESS must be repaid with FOUNTAINS OF GRATITUDE.
One Humanity, The Profound Touch of Kindness
The PROFOUND touch of kindness necessitates having an INFINITE mindset - making today better than yesterday - self-helping so that we can gently HELP OTHERS . To exist is to serve and help others to cross their life hurdles in our HUMAN TRIBE . AUTHENTIC leaders who are competently in-charge SELF-SACRIFICE helping those in THEIR CHARGE , embracing INTEGRITY thus creating a CONDUCIVE ENVIRONMENT for HIGH & SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE . Be EMPATHIC to profoundly HARNESS THE BEST of everyone. Practise the art of RANDOM KINDNESS to infuse infinite HOPE and bring LIGHT to all, afterall, what goes around, COMES AROUND!
One Humanity, We Give What We Have
Like the incident of the Berlin Wall, EACH GIVES WHAT HE HAS. People do not lack strength; they lack WILL. Leadership is about EMPATHY to connect, inspire and empower. Where it is easier to go with the flow than to stand our ground and hold the FORT, like the Great Wall of China, it is the always about the CHARACTER fortification, never the physical fortification that matters. Mindfully turning our LIGHT on, we persevere with HUMILITY, afterall, what we know matters but WHO we are matters MORE. The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that HELD ITS GROUND.
One Humanity – Be the LIGHT
BE THE LIGHT as life is full of hustle and survival. Life is a JOURNEY of good and bad times, of excitement and boredom. Beyond the rhetoric, pomposity and grandiloquence of artificial façade, we shall find that SIMPLICITY is best. The only way we can get the RESILIENCY we have is by going through what we have gone through. Along the way, we will find people that cannot handle our light. Instead of dimming our light, we should offer them some shades. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us, afterall, we are POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE, enlightening others in our path to give life its DEEPEST SIGNIFICANCE.
COMPASSION of Humanity,
the Sense of Purpose
HOPE springs eternal. Conquering the difficulties especially in the last few months - the grief, sorrow, pain, worries and struggles - means pushing back the BOUNDARY and adding to our LIBERTY. We did not quite imagine these life moments witnessing the COURAGE, RESILIENCE and the generosity of SELFLESSNESS. As leaders, we have bent the arc of the moral universe towards SOCIAL JUSTICE and lead with CONVICTION - not by the example of our power, but by the POWER OF OUR EXAMPLE. Standing on the shoulders of those who came before us at this inflection point, we move forward with a SENSE OF PURPOSE. To everything there is a SEASON - a time to build, a time to reap, a time to sow and a time to heal, afterall, like the river, there is NO BEGINNING, NO MIDDLE and NO END to life’s LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES.
One Humanity:
Understanding More, Fearing Less
The Global Pandemic has thrown a big spanner into our WHEEL OF LIFE. While we cannot change the CARDS we are dealt, we can certainly choose how we play the HAND. We do not need magic to change ourselves, we already have all the INNER POWER - we have the power to REFRAME, REDISCOVER, REFRESH and REAFFIRM better. We must UNDERSTAND more and FEAR less, afterall, since we can fail in things we do not want, we might as well take our CHANCE on doing what we LOVE.
One Humanity:
Understanding More, Fearing Less
The Global Pandemic has thrown a big spanner into our WHEEL OF LIFE. While we cannot change the CARDS we are dealt, we can certainly choose how we play the HAND. We do not need magic to change ourselves, we already have all the INNER POWER - we have the power to REFRAME, REDISCOVER, REFRESH and REAFFIRM better. We must UNDERSTAND more and FEAR less, afterall, since we can fail in things we do not want, we might as well take our CHANCE on doing what we LOVE.
One Humanity: Embrace IT,
Live IT, Own IT
Out of MANY, WE are ONE. Embrace UNCERTAINTY, build RESILIENCE and move with greater AGILITY and SPEED guided by those who shaped our being where our debt to them is beyond measure. The economy reboot road ahead is LONG and our climb out of the current dilemma is STEEP as we weather bravely the storm of exponential HEADWIND. The intermediate successful moment is not the outcome we seek — it offers the CHANCE for us to CHANGE and ACHIEVE that outcome. Because of YOU, we are SAFE to ENJOY the beauty of BECOMING, afterall, individually we are a DROP, together we are an OCEAN …
One Humanity, Standing Together
Overcoming Adversities
Adversity builds CHARACTER, burning our pain to fuel our journey to endless pathways and possibilities. SERVE and STAND TOGETHER to reap GREATNESS, JOY and unbridled CONTENTMENT. Share and DISRUPT by learning, unlearning and relearning, just like clouds adding harmonious color to our sunset sky. Act NOW with the COURAGE of the HEART. Afterall, the gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
One Humanity, Willing Heart for a
Lifetime of New Endings
Things happen for a REASON, so does the Black Swan Pandemic. If nothing else, it accentuates the belief that the greatest blessings of mankind are WITHIN US and WITHIN OUR REACH. Life is ALWAYS about how much you can PERSEVERE PATIENTLY and KEEP MOVING forward. The difficulties we encountered STRENGTHEN THE MIND and we are LUCKY because we are prepared to meet the opportunity. Our HEART always will for a LIFETIME of NEW ENDINGS. Afterall, it is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not DARE that things are DIFFICULT.
One Humanity, Charge Mindfully
Towards Resilience
The Pandemic NEXT NORMAL is a catalyst to mindfully charge towards RESILIENCE. The overall needs remain the same but HOW we serve these needs CHANGE. It is about REIMAGINING the APPROACH to deliver the OUTCOME as the desired outcome has not changed. It matters now HOW we respond in this disruptive era, not to WHAT we respond. Be a digital-savvy OUTCAST, be an optimistic gentle ENCOURAGER. Be not afraid of going SLOWLY, Be very afraid of standing STILL. Authentic leaders always nurture and develop more leaders, not followers. Afterall, the smallest good DEED is BETTER than the grandest good INTENTION.
One Humanity, Powering the Next Normal
Shared Responsibility
The Black Swan pandemic has forced our hands to RETHINK and REBALANCE RESILIENCE over optimization. Be WATER as the nature of interconnectivity and massive collaboration will flow to the need of putting human in the middle of everything. Be the fountainhead of KINDNESS and COMPASSION as we LEARN without assuming, and UNDERSTAND before judging. Afterall, the least shall be considered along with the greatest as a few drops of dirt does not make the ocean dirty.
One Humanity, Feel With
Our Own Heart
FEEL WITH OUR OWN HEART to find the balance between what had worked BEFORE and what must happen NOW in order to SUCCEED in the NEXT NORMAL. Guided by true wisdom, we must positively disrupt SPEED RETHOUGHT with RESILIENCE REIMAGINED. The invisible arrogant hand of maximizing PROFITABILITY needs to be balanced by the visible humble hand of SUPERLATIVE HUMAN VALUES. Yes, we CAN and let’s go GET IT! Afterall, we must have the phronesis not to judge by the harvest we reap but by the seeds that we plant, trusting the DOTS WILL CONNECT in our COLLECTIVE FUTURE.
One Humanity,
Living in the Breath
The daily occurrences of selfless assistance, from the haves to the have-nots have vaulted us into the humanity’s CONSCIOUSNESS. Many step up to the plate due to the unyielding faith in the decency and generosity of the society at large. The pervasive thinking that we are here because of you will certainly HUMANIZE our pathways to the NEXT NORMAL. So brief is Life, Intentionally LIVE in the MOMENT, Deliberately CONTENT with the LEAST, and Resolutely LIVE in the BREATH ! Afterall, our palm cannot stop a flowing stream just as no bank can stop a flowing river.
One Humanity - Good Thoughts,
Good Heart, Good Life
History has confronted us with the most difficult of moments in the current Black Swan pandemic. It is heartening to note the all-round selfless concern for the WELL-BEING OF OTHERS. All is important but this is the most consequential time to HEAL, and pursue the path of HOPE and LIGHT. A PURPOSEFUL LIFE is about dignity, respect and a place in the community that has no left-outs and left-behinds. Let’s change the course of history – fight with conviction, perseverance, bounded optimism and future-oriented consciousness – GOOD THOUGHTS, GOOD HEART, GOOD LIFE! Afterall, the MOUNTAIN will never be higher than the SKY.
One Humanity, Lighting the
Purposeful Pathway
Walk by FAITH, not by sight as the time of extreme peril is also time of ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES. Avoid missing the forest for the trees to harness a MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE. Pursue the ne plus extra of the NEXT NORMAL with rigour, vigour and restless enthusiasm by RETHINKING, REIMAGINING, REINVENTING, RESKILLING and REBALANCING our economies, societies, families and ourselves. Embrace the COLLECTIVE FUTURE leadership, persevere with adaptive and growth mindset with generous portion of infinite abundance thoughts. TOGETHER, we can - afterall, with LIGHT, we will make hope and history rhyme.
One Humanity, The Dreams in
Our Heart
We are cut from the same Humanity cloth, and yet the mountains and rivers seem closer than the distance of a few steps between us. We are different in many particulars, but also not so different in the essentials. Like the piano keys, we must see life-glasses as half-full and make life choices that draw our inner strength when face down adversity, thus lighting a candle in our being. Enjoy the life journey’s experiences, choosing RIGHT over best to lend MEANING to our survival and be COMPASSIONATELY happy. We must be guided by the DREAMS of our HEART in this NEXT NORMAL era, afterall, our GREATNESS will not lessen from ENRICHING the lives we touch.
One Humanity, Adapt & Grow
Like the River Choluteca, we ADAPT and GROW simply because WE are the CHANGE that we SEEK. Just like the tree touching the sky, we must be deep-rooted in our PRINCIPLES & VALUES - down to earth, humble and grateful. Turning struggle into STRENGTH, we must broaden our human EMPATHY, honour TRUST, focus on societal CONTRIBUTION & COLLABORATION, adopt SUSTAINABLE development and AGILE transformation to create an everlasting GREATNESS. Afterall, it is thorough DIVERSITIES that we will have EMPOWERED HUMANITY .
One Humanity, Trail-blazing &
Rising to the Occasion
TRAIL-BLAZE to prevent fears becoming our LIMITS. While danger is real, fear is a reactionary CHOICE and COURAGE is a decision to relish the perspective of preventing BAD from getting WORSE. We should not SUCCUMB to fear and must learn how to SMILE when we FALL so much so when we HAVE IT ALL. Have the WILL to drive our perseverance – after all, the tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to struggle through dirt and darkness to reach the LIGHT. Unlock and action the OPPORTUNITY in every DIFFICULTY with confidence, courage and compassion.
One Humanity, Keep Moving &
BY ALL MEANS, KEEP MOVING AND GROWING, adding contentment and life to years. It is not enhancing what is, but advancing what WILL BE ahead of those who aren’t even trying. AGILITY, STRENGTH and ENDURANCE in tandem with PERSISTENCE and CONSISTENCY supported by inventive thought leadership and execution flawlessness. SOAR above fear, rediscover RESILIENCE and reaffirm FAITH & SOLIDARITY to create memories of a lifetime. Afterall, we are nothing without each other.
One Humanity, ReImagining &
ReThinking the Future
REIMAGINING & RETHINKING the FUTURE starts with the objective that the comeback is always stronger than the setback. Although words are inadequate to the tasks in tackling the economic headwinds and the spiralling domino effect, be the worthy firework in the bonfire of life. Coupling JUST-IN-TIME & JUST-IN-CASE blended into ENVIRONMENT SUSTAINABILITY, the New Normal offers endless possibilities in closing the sorry chapter of the global pandemic, and turning the next chapter for a new beginning to a NEW ENDING. CHANGE YOUR MIND and you will CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Be Human & Humane to RISE ABOVE THE STORM as we fashion our perfect moments out of the depressing ones.
One Humanity, It Takes a Village
Our society is responsible to create the moral characteristics that shape the future generation in the midst of current adversity, offering corrections where they are needed. Paying RESPECT to the great paves the way for our own greatness. Be the money notes and not the coins, as humility seeks silence to demonstrate great VALUE. Even if the raging global pandemic makes us fall, like a seed we must grow back again. Look not where we fell, but where we slipped. We may not have all the answers but we have a noble purpose. Afterall, IT TAKES A VILLAGE to raise a child!
One Humanity, Black Swan
Courage of the Heart
The current on-off-on-again raging pandemic is a BLACK SWAN phenomenon. In our over zealousness to return to as-much normalcy within the NEW NORMAL, let’s rush back ONLY to those WORTHY parts of the old-normalcy. We must have the COURAGE OF THE HEART to have the Will to choose the morally right things and create the positive ripple effects. In the current 5G communications crossroads, we must like what we see in the mirror as some endings become the NEW BEGINNINGS to NEW ENDINGS. As Fear never fixes anything, we must translate Hope from an undiscovered Disappointment to a welcomed Outcome through our unshakeable FAITH. Afterall, LIFE is not only full of surprises, but also full of GIFTS - if it is not CULTIVATED, it cannot be HARVESTED. It is time for COMPETENT LEADERSHIP, to be the Devil’s Advocate in challenging the TRUTH and the CONVENTIONAL WISDOM of the past to ensure new ideas benefit HUMANITY.
One Humanity, Embracing the New Normal
Our world is constantly evolving by unprecedented game-changers Live-Work-Play models accelerated by the raging global pandemic. Avoid being trapped in a cave listening to the echo of our own voices. There are two ways of spreading light - to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. WE need not change completely , instead OUR APPROACH must completely change by UNLEARNING, LEARNING & RELEARNING. To survive in this brave new world, we have to HUMANIZE the NEW NORMAL to achieve a sustainable future, harvesting the fruits of our prudence and wisdom.
One Humanity, Serving with a
Graceful Heart & a Loving Soul
As TOMORROW is never promised, we must DO WHAT WE LOVE and LOVE WHAT WE DO now. Be the bellwether with a beautiful MINDSET, pursue the great ideas and do the RIGHT things even if no one is doing it. Be more as a masterful leader and develop the young. Placebos or not, we do not drown by falling into a river but by letting ourselves submerged in it. Only by carrying our own water we learn the value of every drop. Hit the humanity target no one else can see. Only with TRUST, we can make the good BETTER by defending the TRUTH while desiring LESS. Afterall, it is the province of knowledge to speak, and the privilege of wisdom to listen.
One Humanity, Standing for Equality,
Justice & Inclusion
Increasingly, the world thought leaders are predicting the languishing economy will be at full normalcy only in 2022 setting the scene for a 18-month recovery period. We believe it is not the end but just a bend. Courage is the fear holding on 18-month longer, rejunevating and renewing in a more sustainable future. Like never before, leaders must be the light that drives out darkness, ensuring personal dignity of their team members. We can individually make a difference and create ripples across the waters but together – as change makers - we are the ocean with the will, empathy, compassion, optimism & heart to heal the wound of our society and succeed triumphantly.
Moments of Lasting Memories
As the economy reboots, resets and reopens across the world, we reflect on taking all the positives in navigating the challenges precipitated by this global pandemic. We know it is not an accident, it happens for a reason. Maybe it comes to remind us WHO we have in our life that MATTERS, never what. Perhaps our life philosophy should be like the pair of walking legs – the FRONT foot has no PRIDE and the BACK foot has no SHAME as both know the situation will soon CHANGE. Let’s leave footprints and moments in our heart of those ever lasting memories.
One Humanity, Keeping the Society
Flame Burning
Observe that a lone ember flame will subside in no time giving its final momentary glow. Be truly humbled by the magnanimity of a mother's heart, always rekindles and fuels the light of her children providing strong, effective and lasting warmth. We are the reflection of the light for our society. Be the light of change – tenacious, industrious and untiring in our exemplary and unremitting resolve in caring and addressing the unprecedented societal challenges.
Collective Action, Collective Outcome
With our WORDS - like arrows - rest the extraordinary responsibility and enormous will to propagate others to victory. In braving the specter of exponential change, RENEWAL is always the very core of our civilization’s heart and mind - always celebrate the old and welcome the neoteric. Deep recessions, social and economic fallout, tele-education, tele-medicine, and Work From Home are now par for the course. We will have to grow faster, work smarter and spread goodness wider - this is our Digital Society to shape and the path to pave as we trailblaze while not seeing the forest for the trees.
The Connected Future Butterfly Effect
The prevailing parlous Covid-19 situation is inescapable, massif et historique. It would have been bad even with the best of leadership. It precipitated massive job losses and collateral victims resulting in tremendous investment haircuts, cost discipline and reputational risks. Do not abdicate leadership at this critical juncture by succumbing to the temptation of doing what feels good, convenient and easy. Be the steward of hope, urgency and destiny. Hold in our collective hearts one noble goal - ground ourselves in lasting human values (honesty, hard work, responsibility, good thoughts, good heart, mutual respect). If the world is going to get better, it is going to be up to us to create the butterfly effect for an avalanche of uplifting outcome
A Civilized Society, Be The Light
HELPING someone else through DIFFICULTY is where CIVILIZATION starts. The clouds floated into our lives, no longer carrying rain nor ushering storm, but to accentuate panaromic views in our horizon. It does not matter who we used to be, what matters is who we DECIDE to be NOW. We are offered a new OPPORTUNITY with each BREADTH, to THINK, CHOOSE, DECIDE and ACT in a way that supports us in being all that we are CAPABLE of BEING. We are note less than, we are ENOUGH. We are at our best when we serve others. Be civilized.
Serve Family & Community
There is no greater honour, privilege and blessing than to serve the Family and the Community. It is the first step to finding pure happiness and joy. It encompasses finding meaning in the small things and reasons for living even when things are going south. Pura Vida – There is Always More Than Enough; Plan de Vida - Simplicity is Best; Ikigai - Worthwhile Purpose of Life.
We Are Our Brother's & Sister's Keeper
Being our brother’s & sister’s keeper, each of us is responsible for our own actions. Because we have been given much, we must be accountable to God and accountable to each other. We are also responsible for the well-being of our family, neighbours, friends, colleagues and fellow beings. As our lives are like a candle in the wind, they are successions of moments, hence to live each one is to succeed.
Humanizing Infinite & Abundance Mindset
Setbacks are the opportunities for us to begin again, more intelligently, decisively and courageously. Change is life. Life is change. Just as our eyes need light in order to see, our minds need idea in order to conceive. Together, let’s pursue the greater good and ensure sufficiency for all in a trusted eco-system. Admire and Respect Others and use Each Other’s Strengths to improve ourselves. Life is about releasing each other’s passion and will everyone to succeed!
Let's Take Care of Each Other
(If it is to be, it must be me)
Things happen from one of these three perspectives: a season, a lesson or a reason. These strange times brought Covid19 to ask the question. Is it just a pandemic season, a lesson in Humility or a deeper Existential reason? Whatever the narrative is, for the Sun not to set on Humanity, I believe our most precious assets are our Heart and Soul, and our Family is worth more than all the monies and gold. As Love survives Sorrow into Eternity, and what goes around comes around, we need Collective Humanity.
ReImagine, ReInvent & ReBalance
Humanizing Way
In lesser than 4 months, our lives have been turned on their heads. We are being repeated asked and confronted with the narrative WHY. As we pondered, we noticed the accelerated 2025 Tipping Point is here and now, we need to balance between productivity & employees well-being, we protect people by creating meaningful work (jobs are costs, work is value-creation) and employment must focus on needs and outcomes. And the New Normal of Empathy, Authenticity, Trust, Agility & Life Matters
Life Will Never be the Same Again
Leaders always strive for excellence in an ever-evolving playing field with an ever-changing landscape. Adapting ourselves to this new world of constant exponential changes is what truly makes the difference. A new multi-pathway ecosystem – with innovative business models and awe-inspiring rules – will be the new game changer.
Do You Believe in Your Dream?
As ONE Humanity, we will recover – TOGETHER – from the Covid-19 and other ensuing pandemics. The way we WORK, PLAY and LIVE is already disruptively changed. A new brave world – with new business models and rules – will emerge.

With the exponential changes brought about in exponential times by the 4th Industrial Revolution, it is really going to be survival for the fittest, those who have a plan/blueprint and strategically know how to disintermediate and deliver business values in Industry 4.0 era
TAN Chee Peng
Group CEO, Business Technovise International & Team SYNthesis (Mauritius & Africa)